Make an Autumn Wreath
Not just for Christmas! I think these timeless classic rings of flowers and foliage work perfectly as a style statement at any time of the year.
I created this one using up fresh flowers I’ve rescued and dried from fading bouquets, along with foraged ferns and hydrangea heads from the garden. It’s so easy to make, long lasting and gives a new lease of life to your blooms. I recommend hanging it on the front door, interior door or mantelpiece.

The first step is to create a moss base using a traditional copper frame, twine and moss. I tied my twine tightly to the top of the copper ring. I then made a compact little bundle of moss and bound this to the ring. Next I added another bundle slightly overlapping the first and bound this on. I repeated this step until the whole ring was covered.

Using the twine I then added my dried flowers. Cutting the stems to 15-30cm I made a little posy and bound it securely to the base. I then made another little posy and bound this on just overlapping the stems of the first bunch. I continued adding bunches until the base was covered. I then secured the twine to the back of the base and tied on a vintage ribbon to make a hanger.